The population of Wainwright is roughly 2,520 strong, with a median home value of $269,134 and an average home value of $282,557. The majority of the population are housed in single-detached houses, with approximately 1,100 4+ bedroom units and 700 three-bedroom residences. The average household has 2.4 members, with the largest proportion of households having two people. The second-largest group is made up of families with a primary maintainer who is less than 34 years old.
The unemployment rate in Wainwright is approximately 6.5%, and the city's workforce is made up of more than half of people in the sales and service industry. The other half of the local population is made up of workers in the trades and transportation industry, while the remaining third of residents are employed in management-related positions. In terms of education, the median house value in Wainwright is significantly lower than the state average, and the percentage of people with a bachelor's degree or higher is higher than the national average.