The following table presents the Population & Steets in Aquila City, Arizona. It combines the city's total population and the number of households in each category. Each bucket is colored according to its median household income. The chart also contains information about Aguila's race and ethnicity. You can also see how many people are unemployed in Aguila. There are also data on the number of people who have a disability.
The census data provided by the city government shows that the number of people living in Aguila is 2,944. This represents 3.69% of the total population of San Jose. In 2015, the city had a household population of 2,664. This means that the average household size is 4.18 members. The number of people in the 15 to 19 age group is 277, while the number of people aged 80 and above is 24.
Aside from the population and the number of households, the demographics of a neighborhood also help to determine how desirable a neighborhood is. In Aguila, the city has 71% owner-occupied dwellings, with an average household size of 3.9 people. Although it's difficult to quantify quality of life, it's important to consider the surrounding characteristics. For example, if there's enough open space, you may want to live in a neighborhood where you can easily walk to work. Alternatively, if you prefer to be close to nature and/or open spaces, you may want to choose a home that is not too far from the city center.
In Aguila, Arizona, the median household income is $27,932. This is lower than the national average of $65,712 and represents a -0.339% annual growth. The percentage of people who own a home in Aguila, AZ is higher than the national average of 64.6%. Moreover, people in Aguila own their homes and drive alone to work. The median home value is $524,921.