Listed below are the Population & Steets in Care free city, Arizona. For every square mile, there are approximately 3,974 residents. The median age of Carefree residents is 62, compared to the national average of 37.4. The median household size in Carefree is 1.8, which is lower than the national average of 2.6. If you're interested in the demographics of this city, read on to discover its history, demographics, and economics.
The City of Carefree is an upscale retirement community in Maricopa County, Arizona. It is a planned community founded in the mid-1950s by business partners Tom Darlington and K.T. Palmer. Homebuilding began in 1958, and land sales started soon afterward. Carefree became incorporated in 1984, avoiding the annexation of neighboring Scottsdale. Because of its relatively upscale living standards, Carefree is home to many notable people, including actresses, musicians, and TV personalities.
The median property value in Carefree, AZ was $747,00 in 2019. This figure increased 3.53% from the previous year. Carefree, AZ has an overall homeownership rate of 83%, which is significantly higher than the national average of 64.1%. The average commute time for residents of Carefree is 28.5 minutes, and most people drive alone to work. Carefree, AZ has an average car ownership of about 12.2% of households.