The population of Casa Grande is 51,571 people, making it a medium sized city in Arizona. The majority of its population reports their race as White. However, there are some residents who identify as Black, American Indian, or Alaskan. A quarter of the population is Hispanic, with more than 20% of the population speaking Spanish. Other residents are of various racial and ethnic backgrounds, which makes the city a desirable place to live.
The median age in Casa Grande City is 32 years old. The racial and ethnic makeup of the city was relatively evenly distributed, with 30.9% of the population under the age of 18, 9.3% in the age range of 18 to 24, and 18.4% in the age range of 25 to 64. The median age was 32 years old, and the city's median household income was $22,600. The most common occupations were health care, retail trade, and manufacturing.
Avondale, Arizona is a growing neighborhood, with new restaurants, apartments, and other options. The city is known for its affordability and farming, but has plans to become a more urban community. Randall McDaniel's Sports Complex anchors BLVD. Despite these developments, Casa Grande has a very low unemployment rate. If you want to live in the city and not be one of them, consider moving to Casa Grande.