If you are looking for the population and steets of Chandler City, Arizona, you've come to the right place. Chandler is the capital and regional center of the state. Its climate is warm and dry, with pleasant temperatures in March and November and colder temperatures in August and December. Read on to discover more about this Arizona city. And, don't forget to check out the various attractions that make Chandler a top tourist destination!
One of the most important characteristics of Chandler is the low crime rate. In 2009, there were only 3,936 reported crimes in Chandler. That's a very low rate when compared to other cities in Arizona, and residents report that they feel safe in Chandler. The police department is there to protect residents, and it does an excellent job at ensuring that residents are safe. Chandler's population and steets are representative of its diversity, and it is a popular place for families to live.
The City of Chandler's top three modes of transportation are by car, walking, and public transportation. Nearly 16,000 people commute by car in Chandler City, while 1,152 commute by walking or by trolley bus. While many residents rely on public transportation, there are some other means of transport that are popular in Chandler. In fact, the most common are buses and cars. For residents who prefer walking or taking the bus or trolley, the city is surrounded by parks and recreational areas.