The city of Clarkdale, Arizona is home to around 4,354 people. The population is growing at a rate of 0.74% per year. The population has grown by 9.59% since the 2010 census. The median household income is $58,622, and there is a 9.11% poverty rate. Rents are around $924 per month, and the median home value is $277,500. The median age is 57.3, and the average home value is $277,500.
The city is located on the Verde River. The area does not have any riverfront properties, but large tracts of land are owned by mining companies. The city's 2002 population estimates were 4600 people. A population breakdown of African and non-African languages is also available. Listed below are some of the statistics on the population and steets of Clarkdale City. This data provides an overview of the city's socioeconomic situation.
The number of households in Clarkdale, AZ that live below the poverty line is 29.3%. It is lower than the state average of 30.1%, and neighboring cities, such as Mayer, Superior, and Mesa, have lower rent burdens. The percentage of households in Clarkdale with rent-free housing is 29.3%. The number of rent-paying residents in Clarkdale, AZ is lower than the national average of 30.9%.
In Clarkdale, the majority of households are headed by a married couple, with 85% of them being headed by a married couple. This is also the highest percentage among Clarkdale city and surrounding areas. A percentage of households headed by a single individual is smallest in Clarkdale Arizona. The percentage of households with a child is the lowest for Clarkdale, which makes it a good choice for a growing family.