Crime rate in Dateland is slightly higher than the national average, although it's not high. Dateland is home to a small number of retail establishments, which may explain why the city is relatively safe. A crime rate map shows crime rates by type and severity. A red area does not necessarily mean that a location is unsafe, but it is indicative of where the most crime takes place.
In Dateland, 74% of households are owner-occupied, and the average household size is 2.6 members. There are many factors to consider when buying a home, but one of the most important considerations is quality of life. Some home buyers prefer urban areas with lots of walkability, while others want more peace and quiet. In any case, the decision to buy a home is based on your own personal preferences, so you should consider the area carefully.
The median age in Dateland City is 30.8 years old, and the median household income is $46,667. In 2020, Dateland, AZ had a population of 411 people. The majority of people living in Dateland were native-born, but many people were born abroad. The most common country of birth for residents in Dateland was Mexico, followed by Canada and India.
A population census was conducted in 2010 to estimate the number of people in Dateland. The census also included information about the amount of income that each household has. The census also categorized the city by race. The majority of Dateland residents are black. The rest of the population is Hispanic or Latino.