When you're looking for information on Population & Steets in Duncan, Oklahoma, you'll probably want to look for statistics that detail the population of this city. In the last year alone, the Duncan school district has identified four students as being affiliated with gangs. But what's the real picture? Does Duncan have a high violent crime rate? Read on to find out. Despite some skepticism, statistics show that Duncan has a low violent crime rate.
The poverty rate is a measure of the proportion of a city's population that lives below the federal poverty line. The lower the rate, the more prosperous the community is. Duncan's rate is 12.8% lower than the state average of 27.0%. Duncan has a lower rent burden than neighboring cities, such as Cedar Rapids and Clarkson. And only 15.3% of housing units in Duncan are occupied by renters.
The population of Duncan City was 451 in 2016, and its median household income was $65,500. In other words, Duncan had a high number of prosperous neighborhoods, but it also had pockets of poverty. In fact, there were several schools segregated for black students, so the poverty rate was extremely high in the city. However, the city was a prosperous one when compared to its neighboring cities.
The unemployment rate in Duncan, OK is 6.1% for those aged sixteen and older. The government employs 11.5% of Duncan's residents. The median household income is $44,404. There are approximately 64.6% of households in Duncan that are owner-occupied, and 35.4% are rented. However, there are still many people who live below the poverty line. The child poverty rate in Duncan is 22.0%, and nearly 60% of the population is employed.