If you're curious about the population of El Mirage, Arizona, you've come to the right place. This city is based along the Agua Fria River. El Mirage is located in northwestern Phoenix and is surrounded by Youngtown, Glendale, Surprise, and unincorporated Sun City. Downtown Phoenix is 19 miles away. In the meantime, the population of El Mirage is growing quickly.
According to the United States Census Bureau, El Mirage is largely white. However, a closer look at the census numbers indicates that the population is also significantly Asian and black. El Mirage is slightly smaller than Glendale, which has a larger percentage of foreign-born residents. In terms of ethnicity, the median age of residents is 27.7 years. Moreover, the percentage of Hispanics is also higher than the national average.
The median home value of El Mirage, Arizona is $160,800. This is 0.669 times smaller than the national average. The median household income in El Mirage is $45,824 per person. Homeownership rates are 63.7% and 64.1%, respectively. El Mirage has an average high school graduation rate of 59%. Most residents own their homes. If you're considering advertising in El Mirage, be sure to check out the median home value.
The population of El Mirage city is approximately 36,481 people per square mile. Compared to Glendale's population of 249,709, El Mirage's population density is only slightly higher than Glendale's. Youngtown and Glendale both have higher population densities. It's important to note, however, that these figures are not guaranteed to be accurate. The data is provided merely for informational purposes.