You may have been wondering if Golden Valley City is a good place to live. Considering the fact that one out of every four children in America lives in poverty, you may want to know what the population and steets are in Golden Valley City. Fortunately, there are several statistics about the population and steets of Golden Valley. Listed below are the top statistics for Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The United States Census Bureau has compiled the following information for Golden Valley. This information is updated annually and is based on data from the 2020 American Community Survey. You can also view Golden Valley's diversity scores, which are calculated using the U.S. Census Bureau's Community Survey data. While these statistics may be somewhat outdated, they do give a good idea of how many people of various races live in the city.
The median annual income of Golden Valley residents is $87,964. This is higher than the state, county, and national average. The city has a high homeownership rate of 73.7%, which is higher than the national average of 64.9%. Golden Valley has an average commute time of 21.7 minutes, and residents drive alone to work. There are only two high-paying industries in Golden Valley.
The language spoken in Golden Valley City is English. However, some residents may speak Spanish. As a general rule, the city is highly diverse in its culture. It is a melting pot of many cultures. There are ethnic communities in the Golden Valley City Center area. Some of these groups may have different traditions and languages, so they are reflected in the city's culture. There are many neighborhoods in the United States that express these differences in their ethnicities. Chinatown is an example of this.