This article will examine the population and steets of Humboldt City. The City Center neighborhood is home to the majority of the neighborhood's low-income residents. In fact, its neighbors are among the poorest neighborhoods in the country. Nearly 45 percent of the children in this neighborhood live below the federal poverty line, making it more poor than 91.5% of all U.S. neighborhoods.
As of the 2010 Census, there were 45,864 people living in Humboldt City. Approximately 23.4% of these people were under the age of 18, while another 20.0% were female householders without their husbands. About thirty-four percent of the households in Humboldt City were non-families. About 14.8% of households were headed by senior citizens. The average household size was 2.36 people.
The median home value in Humboldt City is $72,300. The area is located on a large, busy highway, and commuters spend a 15 to 30-minute drive each way to work. With such a short drive to the city center, residents can quickly reach work and other amenities. The city also enjoys convenient access to Interstates 40 and 155. A few other amenities include a community center with a swimming pool, a gym, and several parks.
The Humboldt Bay area was the focus of the California Gold Rush. Miners and settlers sought the gold and rich farmland, and supply companies sought a coastal supply port. Unlike other coastal areas, the Sacramento Valley route was a slow and costly way to get supplies. Fortunately, a party led by Dr. Josiah Gregg traveled west on foot from the Trinity mines.