If you are interested in living in Parker City, Indiana, you can find out more information about the area by looking up the Population & Steets in Parker. Specifically, you will want to know how many people live in the city, as well as the average income and number of children in the neighborhood. The population of Parker City is just over 37,000, and there is no official racial makeup. However, this city's demographics are not complete without some information about its past and present.
There are several ways to find out how many people live in Parker City, Texas. The population is broken down into five major groups, with the youngest people ranging from six to eight years old. The average age of the population was 36 years old, and the median income was $28,750. While there were many older people living in the city, the population was fairly even, with only a few elderly people living alone.
In addition to its median age, population data for Parker City shows the percentage of single women in the city. There are also many single women, with the highest percentage of young adults between 25 and 34 years old. That number is almost twice that of the average adult population in the Parker City metro area. In fact, Parker City has more single women than any other place in the state. Its residents are overwhelmingly white, and the percentage of foreign-born citizens is just under 6%.