The following table shows the population and steets of the city of Safford, Arizona. You can also compare Safford with nearby cities. The population density in Safford is higher than the state average and national average. While the city is small, its population density is still higher than the state average. The lowest population density is in Thatcher, which is three-fourths the size of Safford.
The percentage of married couples in Safford is 61%, whereas in Central CDP, the percentage is 100%. This difference means that Safford is slightly better than the rest of the region. Safford also ranks #1 in terms of percentage of unmarried mothers, making it the most unmarried-friendly city in the area. Safford is also slightly higher than the national average in terms of average family size.
The USPS has designated Safford as a city in the U.S. Its ZIP code is D (Default). Despite its name, the city is commonly known by its preferred name, Safford. While there are many other names for this city, D is the preferred and default name by USPS. The city's population was around 10,000 people in 2010 and continues to grow.
The population of Safford City is estimated to increase 4.38% between the 2010 and 2020 census. The city's population density is 1,222 people per square mile. It is the county seat of Graham County. Safford is also known for its outdoor lifestyle and beautiful landscape. Safford City was developed in the late nineteenth century, and the first official census took place in 1874. Native Americans had been using the land for burial grounds for many centuries. The city's economy is heavily based on oil extraction, mining, and quarrying.