The population of Salome City, Arizona, is primarily comprised of vacationers. Most people only live in Salome part time or as a second home during the vacation season. Because many businesses in the area rely on tourists, they may be open only during the vacation season. As a result, the population of Salome dramatically decreases when the vacation season ends. This is noticeable to year-round residents, who will notice the city becoming considerably quieter.
The median household income in Salome, AZ is $25,670, which is less than the average annual income of $65,712 in the United States. Salome has a lower income inequality than the national average, which is 0.465. As for Salome's employment statistics, there are two hundred and seventy-nine people employed in the economy. This number compares to the average wage for Salome residents in the parent and neighboring regions.
In 2019, the median property value in Salome, AZ was $51,400, making it a town that is about 0.72% smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate in Salome, AZ is 95.1%, a significantly higher rate than the national average of 64.1%. The median commute time in Salome, AZ is 25.5 minutes. The median car ownership in Salome is two per household.