You'll be surprised to find out that Surprise is one of the most livable cities in Arizona. The population is over 190,000, with a median age of 34.6 years. There are plenty of activities and events to keep you busy and entertained, so you can find something to do at any time of the year. Surprise is surrounded by some of the best golf courses in the country, and has nine golf courses.
Despite being a popular resort and ski town, Surprise is actually a regional center and capital city in Arizona. The city sits in a low desert valley. The four main roads in Surprise are Greenway Road on the south, El Mirage Road to the east, Bell Road to the north, and Dysart on the west. Grand Avenue runs diagonally through the city, dividing it into two parts.
The median age of all households in Surprise, AZ was 41.4 in 2019. While the number of foreign-born residents surpassed the total, native-born citizens accounted for the vast majority of those living in poverty in the city. The most common foreign-born groups in Surprise include Mexico, India, and Canada, while the number of native-born citizens is considerably lower. A few statistics also show that the average income of Surprise, AZ residents falls below the median.
One of the most important factors to consider when relocating is the crime rate. While a high crime rate is a concern, the livability score of Surprise is excellent, with a low violent crime rate and an abundance of local amenities. You'll find that there's no shortage of entertainment in Surprise, including the newer Octane Lounge and Surprise Stadium. If you're looking for a new home, you'll be pleased to know that the crime rate is relatively low in Surprise.