When researching the population of a city, one should consider both its size and ethnic makeup. The population of Taylor, TX is overwhelmingly made up of US citizens. However, there are a few different types of citizenship, and each has its own benefits. In this article, we will examine each one separately. The percentage of US citizens in Taylor, TX is higher than its foreign-born residents and neighboring cities.
In 2019 the median property value of Taylor, TX was $158,400. The homeownership rate was 66.2%, and most residents commuted alone. In Taylor, TX, there were an average of two cars per household. Taylor is home to approximately 17k residents. Its median household income was $52,672.
The Census Bureau estimates that the population of Taylor, TX was 16,857 in 2016. For additional demographic data, visit the census' website. The US Census has classified households into 50 different segments, based on spending and consumption patterns. Below you'll find a graph showing the breakdown by segment. The percentages below represent each segment's proportion of total households. Retailers should consider Taylor's demographics when assessing its potential to attract new business.