If you are considering moving to Teec Nos Pos, Arizona, you may be wondering what the population and steets are like. The city of Teec Nos Pos has a population of 838 people, and the median household income is $31,250. The median household income was $31,250 in 2019, down from $32,530 in 2016. The median household language is English, with 0% of people speaking a different language.
While the number of residents of Teec Nos Pos City isn't as high as that of most cities, the crime rate is still higher than average. The city ranks in the 17th percentile for safety, with eight-thirds of American cities considered safer than Teec Nos Pos. The murder rate in this city is 0.06 per thousand residents in a standard year. The north part of the city is considered the safest area for residents.
The median annual income in Teec Nos Pos is $31,250, which is less than the $65,712 average of the United States. Males make more money than women in the state, but the inequality of income is still below the national average. There are two main industries in Teec Nos Pos, AZ. The largest industry is Health Care & Social Assistance, which employs 58 people, followed by Educational Services (48 people). The highest paying industries in the city are Health Care & Social Assistance ($39,545), Transportation & Warehousing ($33472), and Manufacturing & Distribution of Goods