You may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets in WinSlow City. You can find out by reading the following article. This article aims to provide you with a general idea of the city. You will also get to know the history of the city, including its early days. It is a historic town and was founded in 1886. Several businesses have been established in the town.
The most common racial groups that are below the poverty line in Winslow are Native American, Hispanic, and Other. The federal government has set income thresholds based on family size and composition. Families earning less than these thresholds are considered poor. Most people in the city work in sales and food service occupations, which comprise 36.5% of the city's total population.
There were 2,754 households in Winslow. Of these, 40.3% were under the age of 18. Half of the households were made up of married couples. Another 16.0% of households were headed by a single female without a husband present. There were also 27.7% of non-families, and 10.1% of the population was 65 or older. The median age in the city was 31 years, with a male to female ratio of 122.3.
The Winslow High School football team won the regional semifinals against Belfast 39-14. Two of their running backs rushed for 200 yards or more, and all six touchdowns came on the ground. The offensive line worked hard to secure the victory. The offensive line is led by three seniors - Evan Gammon, who stepped in for Dustin Fitch when he was out sick. Bryce Gilliland, whose brother, Tanner, and Alec Clark are all seniors.