What is the Population and Steets of Yuma Proving Ground City? This is a quick guide to the city's size and its population. You can use the U.S. Census Bureau web site to get up-to-date information. You can even find out what the population was like in different areas of the country. If you want to get an even more accurate picture, you can consult a recent census block report.
The population of Yuma Proving Ground City is 93,064 as of the 2010 Census. The city has 38,626 housing units and 79.9% of those units were occupied. The population is predominantly white, with 68.8% of residents belonging to that race. The population is comprised of other races, too, with 1.8% being Black or African American. There are also 1.9% Asian people, 0.2% Pacific Islanders, and 1.7% Native Americans. Hispanic and Latino populations comprise 54.8% of the population.
Yuma Proving Ground City is located about halfway between Phoenix and San Diego. It is one of the largest military installations in the world, and is just over 300 miles from several major cities. It is located in the Mountain Time Zone, and does not observe daylight savings. Yuma is also located in the Southwest, so its weather can be hot and dry. If you are considering moving to Yuma, it is wise to consider the cost of living before committing to a move.
The average household size in Yuma is 2.79 people. The average family size is 3.27. Interestingly, the population is age-spread out. Thirty-one percent of the population is under 18 years old. Almost half of all households are comprised of married couples and there are 13.9% households that contain solely women. The median age of residents in Yuma Proving Ground City is 31.