If you're considering moving to Bauxite City, Arkansas, you may be wondering if the school system here is good enough for children. In Bauxite, Arkansas, over 1,000 children attend the public school system, which serves about 487 residents. The city's school system is ranked #1 in Arkansas, and it also has the most schools per square mile. The population in Bauxite is mostly White, but Hispanic and Native American residents also make up the majority of the population.
The town was originally an Alcoa community, and it was modeled after the ideals of James Anthony Froude in his book Short Studies on the Great Subjects. Froude advocated for the development of adequate housing and recreational facilities, and Bauxite incorporated the idea of building churches, a movie theater, a general store, and a barber shop. The town also has an active historical society, which includes an American football player named George Cole.
The median property value in Bauxite, AR is $76,100, which is about 0.317 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate in Bauxite is 75.2%, which is higher than the national average. The average commute time in Bauxite, AR is about 20 minutes. The average commute time is 20.2 minutes. The city has 713 residents, but this number is likely to grow.