There are several things to consider before relocating to Bearden. Before you do, you should know how much money Bearden has to offer. The population of Bearden City is approximately 850 people. The population has decreased by 15% since 2020. The average commute time is about 22.2 minutes, while the average home price is $50,100. The price of a Bearden home has appreciated by 1.1% in the past decade.
Crime rates vary by area, but general statistics show that central Bearden has more crime than southern areas. While Bearden does have many crime hotspots, most crimes occur within the retail areas. Therefore, the "red areas" on the crime map are not necessarily dangerous for residents. Crime rates will vary by demographics and other factors. The table below shows the rates of crime in Bearden. The crime rate in Bearden is higher than the state average.
The population of the city is relatively homogeneous, although there are pockets of diversity within the city. In Bearden, for example, the rate of births is 13.5%. The highest rate of births is in Sparkman. The area's diversity is reflected in its location quotient, which compares the percentage of different races and ethnicities within the city. There are several ways to gauge the diversity of a city, and the information presented here can help you decide if Bearden is a good place to live.
The median household income in Bearden is $62,865 per year. This is lower than the national average of 0.478. The median income for a 25-44 year-old is $72,606, while the median income for a 65-and-older person is $56,680. This indicates that Bearden is less economically prosperous than the state average. In contrast to the state median, Bearden is more equal in the number of people who make less than $24,714 per year.