Bigelow, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you are planning a move to Bigelow City or simply want to learn more about the town, you have come to the right place. Here you will find information about the population and steets in Bigelow City. Read on to discover the history of the town and its people. We hope you enjoy your stay! We wish you the best of luck in your search! And as always, we look forward to hearing from you!

Bigelow has a population of approximately 230. It is a small town that is located in south-central Nobles County. The town's corporate limits are located along the Iowa state border. Bigelow has an area of approximately 0.40 square miles. The population density is slightly higher than the other nearby cities, such as Perry, which has a population density of only 832.

The population of Bigelow is about three-quarters married. As with Houston, Bigelow has a large number of families and has a comparatively higher rate of divorces than the average state. In Bigelow, most people live with their partners or their parents. The median household size is 3.7, and the area's economy is relatively small, but it's still a decent place to live.

The city's urban development is located just south of the proposed Urban Connector Alignment, while the town's westward development is centered on large lots. Recent new home construction has occurred on big lots between Perrine and Evergreen roads. This has made the city even more livable. There is even a large shopping center within the city. This is a great opportunity for economic growth.