If you want to know the population and steets of Blytheville City, Mississippi, read this article. We will look at the history of Blytheville and the area around it. The first post office was established in 1879, and the town was known for its lumber industry, which brought the sawmills and rowdy crowds to the town. The town also gained electricity and telephone service in the early twentieth century, and it was named the county seat of Mississippi County in 1901.
The population of Blytheville is approximately 13,216 people. There are 420 housing units in the city, and the median gross monthly rent is $639. The median home price in the city is $78,900. The median home appreciation is 1.2% over the last decade. For those interested in purchasing a home in Blytheville, a median price of $78,900 is reasonable.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the residents of Blytheville City Center is more diverse than the surrounding neighborhoods. The area is home to many individuals of African descent and Haitian ancestry. In Blytheville City Center, nearly half of the population is African and over a fifth of residents are Hispanic. The percentage of African ancestry is also higher than the state average.
Violent crime per capita in Blytheville City is 6.21 per thousand. A similar pattern is seen in the violent crime rate. However, this is not a reliable indicator of safety for residents. Crime rates may be higher in neighborhoods that have fewer people. The north and southeast parts of the city are comparatively safer than the south and east parts of the city. Therefore, you should not assume that the west and southeast parts of the city have higher violent crime rates than the rest of the city.