If you are looking for a place to call home, you may want to explore the Population & Steets in Cov City, HI. Cove City is home to about 3000 residents. There is a diversity breakdown of the population, but you may also want to consider its ethnic makeup. Cove City is home to about 0.9% Hispanics. The city is also home to Native Hawaiians.
The rent burden measures how much a household pays for housing in Cove City. It is useful for estimating housing affordability in a city. While Cove City's rent burden is higher than the state's, neighboring cities have lower rent burdens. Bayboro and Plymouth have higher rent burdens. In addition, 25.7% of Cove City residents are renters. However, there are some affordable housing options in the area.
Despite the city's small size, it's home to several famous people. Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, and James Mason all starred in movies set in Cove City. The town was also used in the acclaimed film North by Northwest (1959). Moreover, the Glen Cove Police Station was used in the 1982 spy thriller Still of the Night. And the city was also featured in the TV show Fringe, where the character of Agent Broyles was revealed in Season 3 Episode 7.
Compared to other cities in the county, Glen Cove City has a high proportion of Greeks and Arabs. In fact, the city is home to the headquarters of the American Stamp Dealers Association. The city's sister city is Sturno, Italy. In addition to the American Stamp Dealers Association, it has many Italian immigrants. If you want to find out more about the ethnic composition of the city, you should visit the Glen Cove Historical Society and the American Stamp Dealers Association.