The 2020 Census estimates the population of Glenwood City at 1,183, making it the 333rd largest city in Wisconsin and the 9643rd largest city in the United States. While the population is still growing, it is at a slow rate, with a decrease of -0.50% annually. Compared to the 2010 Census, the population of Glenwood City is -4.75% older. The population is spread out over two square miles, with a density of 475 people per square mile.
The median household income in Glenwood City is $48,984, and the racial makeup of the community is predominantly White (98.3%), with only 0.2% Asian or Two or more races. One percent of the population is Hispanic. The median household income is $48,984, and sixty-four percent of residents are employed in some capacity. The median age is 37.1 years old. The median household income in Glenwood City is $48,984. The median household income is $48,984 per person. The median income of a household in Glenwood City is $48,984. In addition, 59.9% of Glenwood City residents are homeownership-based, and forty-one percent are renters.
The population of Glenwood is 5,269 in the 2010 census, down from the 5,358 in the 2000 census. The city is the county seat for Mills County. It has a population density of five hundred and twenty-seven people per square mile, making it the 4,545th largest city in the U.S. Despite the small size, Glenwood has a large number of notable residents.