In the city of Gurdon, Arkansas, you will find 4 branches of banks. The Bank of Delight has the highest concentration of branches, while First State Bank and Southern Bancorp Bank have only one branch each. However, the numbers don't always reflect the safety of Gurdon residents. The crime rate map in Gurdon doesn't necessarily reflect the danger level of the city, and you should always be cautious when judging a community by its color.
There are two main census databases for the city of Gurdon. The Census and the ESRI both provide data for renter-occupied housing units. Gurdon had approximately 500 households in 1881, with three saloons and no churches. In 1887, all saloons were banned in the city, but the railroad still operates in the town. The first newspaper in Gurdon was the Gurdon Advocate, which later changed its name to the Gurdon Times. The Gurdon Times continues to be published in the twenty-first century. The Gurdon Jail was constructed at the turn of the century and is still in use today.
The US Postal Service uses Gurdon, Arkansas, as its ZIP code. The USPS designates Gurdon as its "preferred" name. Its population is estimated to be between 2,500 and 20,000 residents by 2020. The ZIP code is 71743 and is in the Central Time Zone. Depending on where you live, wireless internet speeds in Gurdon range from 12 Mbps to 200 Mbps.