Haynes, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are some interesting statistics about Haynes City's population and steets. According to the 2000 census, there were 4,749 households, or people. Of these households, 39.6% were made up of people with children, and the remainder were made up of people without kids. In addition, 49.6% of the households were headed by married couples. Twenty-three percent of the households were not families, and 12.3% of all households were headed by senior citizens living alone.

Haines City, Florida, is a mid-sized city located about 25 miles inland from the Tampa Bay area. The warmest months are November, April, and March. The least pleasant months are August and July. Haines City has a history of being a major agricultural center and is home to a large phosphate mining industry. It is now strategically located between major Florida cities and a number of popular resort communities.