If you are looking for the population and steets of Holly Grove City, Arkansas, you've come to the right place. We have compiled the latest census data to give you the scoop on the city's population and demographics. While it is no small feat to create a city map, there is no other map like Holly Grove's. And while the population is relatively stable, the percentages aren't.
The population of Holly Grove is 2,018 people and 458 households, with a median home value of $35,938. The median household size in Holly Grove is 2.43 people. According to local ad data, the population of Holly Grove is projected to fall by -9.0% by 2051. The city has a high school graduation rate of 57.6%, and a college degree rate of 64%.
The city was originally called Holly Springs, and was a crossroads village with springs located nearby. A Baptist evangelist named Richard Jones, who came to Holly Springs in the late 1800s, opened a store near the springs. Several other families soon followed. The population of Holly Springs peaked at about 2,500 people, so the population was relatively small. The city's early history can be traced back to a survey map commissioned by Wake County's Historical Society in 1977.
The population of Holly Springs has declined since the civil war and the Reconstruction. The development of a quarry at Holly Springs prompted many residents to oppose the development. However, the city was pleased to receive $20 million of investment from Raleigh businessmen who wanted to build a "reliever" airport near Holly Springs. While the larger Raleigh-Durham International airport is located near the city, Holly Springs planned to expand its boundaries to the south and west.