Humphrey, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live below the poverty line in Humphrey, Nebraska? This information is available from the United States Census Bureau. While the exact numbers vary from city to city, the median family income is $688 per month. Humphrey is among the wealthiest cities in Nebraska, but that does not mean it is without poverty. The median income is far below the poverty level, with 16.5% of households below the federal poverty level.

The population of Humphrey is 896 people, with a median home value of $162,500. The homeownership rate in Humphrey is 85.1%, with most residents driving alone to work. Humphrey has an average commute time of 17 minutes, and most households own two cars. The median age of residents is 40.4. There are fewer than ten families per thousand residents, and the median household income is $62,917.

The number of renter-occupied housing units in Humphrey is about as high as it is anywhere in Minnesota. There are fewer eviction cases in Humphrey than in neighboring cities, including Linwood and Stanton. Humphrey is home to a diverse population, and has many places for residents to go. There are also many recreational and educational facilities available in Humphrey.

The median household income in Humphrey City, NE is higher than the national average, and the homeownership rate is significantly higher than the parent and neighboring geographies. Additionally, in Humphrey City, NE, 86.6% of working-class households drive alone to work, and 22.1% of households were not families. In addition, there were nineteen households that contained only one person; a false majority of these were single-family homes.