Judsonia, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population & steets of Judsonia City, you have come to the right place. In Judsonia, 69% of the population is married and this makes the city second most family friendly in the metro area. The average household size is 2.9 people and the population is highly diverse. If you want to know more about the people in Judsonia, read on to discover the most important statistics.

The average commute time for Judsonia residents is 18 minutes, which is shorter than the average commute time in Arkansas. The median cost of a home in Judsonia is $107,000, and there are fewer than 6% of workers that use public transportation. Only about 5% of Judsonia residents commute to work on foot. Judsonia is located in a suburb of Stuttgart, AR, which is a city that is a good place for families.

The median age of all Judsonia residents was 41.6 in 2019. This figure includes both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. The average age of all Judsonia residents was 45 in 2018, which is slightly older than the state's average. The country of origin for most foreign-born residents of Judsonia was Mexico. El Salvador was the next most common, followed by India.

Judsonia is located in White county. The city was established in 1839 and has a population of 2,019 as of the 2010 census. There are 775 households and 468 families. It is located outside the metro area and is part of the Central time zone. The city has 1 bank branch. First Security Bank is the most popular choice for local residents. If you have trouble finding a bank branch in Judsonia, you may want to consider other banking options in the area.