The population of Lake City is composed of 6.24k White people, 4.24k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), and 525 White (Hispanic) people. A total of 6.18% of the city's population is Hispanic. This is a good percentage for the area, but there are some people who fall outside of the race or ethnicity category. The following table shows the percentages of White and Hispanic people living in Lake City.
The median age of the population of Lake City, FL is 36.3 years old. The median age for both natives and immigrants is 36. The city has a low homeownership rate of 42.6%, significantly lower than the national average of 64.1%. In 2019, there were approximately 2.1 people per household. The population of Lake City is growing! The median home value of Lake City, FL was $106,800 in 2019.
The population in the ZIP code 32055 is primarily white. The percentage of single parents is large, but the ratio of older adults is low. The percentage of children under 18 is higher than the national average, and the percentage of vacant homes is lower than the national average. One correctional facility and a nursing home are located within a short drive of this community. This means that the people in Lake City, FL live well.
Salt Lake City's street numbering system is unique. The grid was built around the Salt Lake Temple, which is located in Temple Square. South Temple is the southern border of the city, while North and West Temple are the westernmost. Main Street and South Temple intersect at the southeast corner of Temple Square. The Temple is considered point zero in the grid plan. In addition, street names refer to distances from the Temple. For example, if you are on the 500e, the next block is 357s.