Want to learn more about the population of Mabelvale, AR? Check out this useful guide to the city's population and steets. This information will help you make your next move and explore the area. Also, see the population of neighboring towns by clicking on the map above. You can even find out about the population of cities nearby Mabelvale, AR. For example, you can search for cities that are within 100 miles to get a better idea of the area.
A map of crime rates by population shows which parts of the city have the highest rates of property crimes. While the northwest portion of the city has the highest number of crimes, these crimes tend to occur in blocks with few residents. While these blocks are typically safer, this does not necessarily mean that the area is safer for residents. The higher the crime rate in an area, the higher its level. If crime occurs in the city center, the city is safer.
People living in Mabelvale, Arkansas are mostly white. A minority of residents are black, while the rest are white. The median household income in Mabelvale is $54,802.