What Are the Population & Steets in Marianana City, Florida? The Marianna City, Florida population estimates are based on the most recent census, as of the 2010 Census. The city was incorporated in the early 19th century. During the Civil War, the city was severely damaged by flooding, and its economy was badly damaged as well. The population declined significantly after the Civil War, but in the early 1880s, the city was experiencing a revival. The Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad arrived in 1882, as well as the Louisville and Nashville Railroad in 1883. Agricultural operations continued to expand in Marianna after the war, including the establishment of the Lee County Grain Drying Cooperative in 1952.
The city was the site of a large battle near Helena during the Civil War. In 1863, Marianna was under martial law due to a series of Ku Klux Klan lynchings. Marianna was named the county seat in 1873. The first brick store was constructed in the city in 1874. The first edition of the Marianna Index was published in 1874. In 1879, the Lee County Courier was founded. In 1878, Marianna was under strict quarantine during a yellow fever scare.
The city's population was diverse. Twenty-seven percent of the residents were under the age of 18, twenty-seven percent were 25-44, and forty-one percent were 65 and older. The median age of the population was 36 years. Males outnumbered females eighty-nine to one. Seventy-seven males (18+) outnumbered every hundred females.