Marvell, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Marvell, Arkansas is approximately 6,000. In 2010, the city had fourteen stores, three banks, and sixteen churches. A cypress mill and cotton gin were located within the city. A public library opened in 1922. The McDonald family provided donations and the Methodist Church provided space until 1950. In 1950, the library became a branch of the Phillips County Library system. In 1960, the library had 12,000 books.

The racial makeup of the city is composed of 41.8% whites, 68.3% blacks, and 0.1% Hispanics. The median home value in the city is $51,800. The median household size is two and a half. The population of Marvell is expected to decrease by 2.8% over the next year. The percentage of residents living below the poverty line is 54.2%, which is lower than the national average.

The population of ZIP code 72366 is predominantly black or African-American. The number of senior citizens, single parents, and children below 18 is very high. The percentage of families is small and vacancies are slightly lower than average. The median household income is $36,000. While living in Marvell City, Arkansas, you can expect a low cost of living. Getting a job is as easy as walking through downtown.