Before you get started, make sure you know some facts about the Population & Steets in Mountain-Pine City, MN. The most common racial or ethnic group in the city is White. Next to White, there are two or more Asians. There are also some other groups that make up the Mountain Pine City population. In general, people in these groups live in poverty.
The population of Pine City, MN is about 2.93k people. The majority of the population is non-Hispanic, followed by Black or African American residents and two-plus-one people, respectively. A minority population of 33 people identifies themselves as Hispanic or Other. The median age is 43.9 years old, and nearly a quarter of the population is 65 years and older.
The median household income in Pine City, MN is $41,292, which is less than the average income of $65,712 in the United States. The median house or condo value in Pine City is $725. Approximately 78.3% of the population has a broadband internet connection. Most people work in retail trade, while about 94.5% have a four-year college degree or higher.