If you are looking for the population and steets of North Little Rock City, Arkansas, you've come to the right place. We've broken down the facts so you can see the population of North Little Rock in just a few lines. If you want to learn more about this city's history, you can read about its settlers in the past. During the Civil War, North Little Rock was called "opposite Little Rock," but the city quickly developed and was the crossroads of the Arkansas River. During this time, it was still unincorporated and it was only in the year 1890 when it filed its incorporation papers. Eventually, Little Rock annexated the town, and North Little Rock City was born.
The city has a population of 62,304 residents. According to the American Community Survey, 35% of the city's adults are obese. Overweight and obese people make up a large percentage of the city's population, as are many African American residents. Furthermore, the number of black students in North Little Rock City is quite high - 41% are obese. These statistics make North Little Rock City a desirable place to live.
In addition to the high-tech industries, North Little Rock is home to several renowned people, including Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Mary Steenburgen, and Joey Lauren Adams. In addition, Dickey-Stephens Park, home to the Arkansas Travelers minor league baseball team, is the largest municipal park in the United States. Although the city's crime rate is relatively low, there have been homicides in the city, with the police department reporting eight homicides in 2008 alone. Other nearby cities include Little Rock, Maumelle, Jacksonville, and Alexander.