Paron, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a map of the city of Paron, you may be wondering how safe it is. This crime map will show you the number of crimes that occur in Paron per 1,000 residents each year. Paron is relatively safe compared to other cities of the same size, but not quite as safe as the state or national average. The following map shows the crime rate in Paron, Arkansas.

The population of Paron is around 4,377 people. Approximately 16% of the population is employed in the service industry. Another 31% are employed in blue-collar jobs and 53% are in white-collar jobs. Paron's median household income is $22,377. Regardless of the income level, Paron has a lot to offer. You can learn about the demographics of the city by visiting the Paron Chamber of Commerce.

In Paron, Arkansas, the population is approximately 624 people. The ZIP Code for the city is 72122. There are several schools, museums, hospitals, and libraries located in the city. Paron is part of the Multi-County Metropolitan Area. The state of Arkansas's economy has experienced a decline in employment in recent years, with a 2.7% decline in the number of jobs available in the city during the same period.