Pleasant Plns, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When researching a city, be sure to know its population and statistics. The information below will help you determine the overall cost of living. The following costs are common to Pleasant Plains: fuel, maintenance, tires, insurance, license fees, taxes, depreciation, financing, and more. The population of Pleasant Plains is 345. The city has experienced a decline of 57.1 percent.

Violent crime in Pleasant Plains is 5.51 crimes per thousand residents. Nevertheless, this crime rate is much higher in the southeast than in the south. In southeast Pleasant Plains, a person's chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime are as high as 1 in 120, compared to one in 257 in the south. Though it may not seem intuitive, violent crime rates are not necessarily correlated with neighborhood safety.

The median income in Pleasant Plains is $71,944. This is higher than the median income of $65,712 in the United States. Despite being a large urban area, Pleasant Plains is home to a number of nightlife venues and is less than a 20-minute commute to Downtown Washington. If you want to live in this urban neighborhood, be sure to check out the statistics on rent, property taxes, and more.

The earliest settlement in Pleasant Plains is located two miles north of the present city. The first settlers wrote about the bounty they found in their new home, and also noted that there was good timber for building. In 1842, they applied for a post office, but were told that the town of Fairview had already been incorporated in Arkansas. So, they settled for Pleasant Plains, which was their second choice.