If you are interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Russell, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find the population and steets of cities within 75 miles of Russell City. Explore the cities nearest to Russell City by completing the free online form. You'll be able to see which one has more residents and which one has more people per square mile.
The population of Russell is estimated at 1,510 in 2020. It grew by 7.24% from the 2010 census. There are several parks in Russell. The largest park, Memorial Park, is home to a public pool, walking trails, baseball diamonds, frisbee golf, and play park. If golf is your game, you'll find the Russell Municipal Golf Course, a nine-hole course that's open to out-of-towners and has a reputation for hosting a variety of events. The city's Main Street organization also organizes a number of activities and events in the community.
In 2019, the median age of all people in Russell, KY was 44.7. This is higher than the national average of 64.1%. However, it was lower than its neighboring geographies. A quarter of the workforce in Russell, KY commuted by car alone, while 8.3% walked or rode their bicycles to work. Three percent of the workforce in Russell worked from home, and one percent of residents were homebound, making public transportation a viable alternative for many people.