Scott, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering if Scott City, Missouri, is safe, check out this crime map. This map shows the number of crimes committed per 1,000 people and the crime rate compared to daytime visitors. The crime rate is higher in central Scott City, where there are more retail establishments. However, crime does not necessarily occur in retail establishments; most crimes are committed in areas with fewer residents. Therefore, red areas on the crime rate map do not necessarily indicate a danger to residents.

In the 2010 census, the population of Scott City, KS was 3,816. It is the county seat of Scott County. The population is composed of both white and black residents, as indicated by the race breakdown. The majority of residents are white, while the remaining population is non-Hispanic. The median household income of Scott City, KS was $61,392, a -3.62% decrease. The majority of residents are white, although a small percentage of residents are African American or Hispanic.

The median age of all residents of Scott City, KS is 38.5 years old. This figure includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. In Scott City, the population is growing older, with the average age being 38 years old in 2019. The most common country of birth for a foreign-born resident in Scott City, KS is Mexico. Of the 84,130 Kansas residents, Mexico was the birthplace of 14,053 people. The other top countries of birth were India and Vietnam with 10,675 and ten thousand residents.