What is the Population & Steets of Siloam Springs City? Approximately 20,6% of the residents of Siloam Springs are of Hispanic origin. These people may be of any race. In the city, there are nearly 10k white residents. A slightly larger percentage are Hispanic. The city has a low unemployment rate, at just 3.7% among those aged 16 and over. Twenty-one percent of the population live below the poverty line.
The median age of Siloam Springs City was 28.6 in 2019. Native-born citizens were the oldest, with a median age of 27. Foreign-born citizens, on the other hand, were older. In fact, the most common countries of birth for foreign-born residents of Siloam Springs, AR are Mexico, El Salvador, and India. The rate of unemployment in this area decreased from two percent in 2008 to one percent in 2019.
During the national banking crisis, College Bank opened in Siloam Springs, and vocational education expanded to 17 departments. In addition, the University Christian Fellowship introduces mandatory Sunday services. John Brown University is granted an unrestricted charter by the Arkansas State Department of Education. This charter was obtained as the university sought to come out of debt during the Great Depression. However, the local population has declined, and the population density is now slightly lower than that of Centerton, which doubled its population from nine to seventeen-five thousand by 2020.
The population of Siloam Springs, AR is mainly composed of white people. A large percentage of people here are in their late 20s or early 40s, and the number of single adults is lower than the national average. Compared to other areas, the number of children under eighteen is also higher than average. The percentage of households without cars is slightly lower than the national average, with only four percent owning them.