The population of Strawberry, California, is around 45.5 years old. Of that number, 42.6% of the residents are native-born and 51.5% of the population are foreign-born, making the median age slightly above the state average. Residents from Mexico, China, and the Philippines were the most common countries of origin for people living in Strawberry. These statistics are not representative of the entire state of California. For more information, see the Population & Steets in Strawberry City, CA.
The population of Strawberry, CA is about 409 people. This number includes the unadjusted poverty rate. The median household income in Strawberry is around $39,844.
The population of the area is growing. Since 1980, the strawberry industry has tripled its acreage and its tonnage, and the migrant population is competing for low-income housing. Despite this growing demand for housing, however, the city has remained relatively unaffected by the crisis. The strawberry-growing region's population continues to grow, with the same high rate of poverty and inequality.
The area is known as the "strawberry capital of the world". It is nestled in the foothills of the Ozarks near the Arkansas border. It is known for its strawberries, and its 71-year-old strawberry festival is a major highlight of the local social calendar. Despite the low life expectancy, the Strawberry Capital of the World attracts a large crowd. So, it's not surprising that the city is home to the world's largest pie factory, and its 71-year-old strawberry festival attracts about 35,000 visitors every year.