Violet Hill, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in Violet Hills City, Arkansas, you have come to the right place. We have compiled a list of all the towns that are located in the vicinity of Violet Hill, Arkansas. This list will be helpful when planning a trip to the area, or simply to learn more about the people who live here. You may even be interested in looking for cities that are 100 miles away from Violet Hill, AR.

The population of Violet Hill township, Arkansas, is 100 percent homeownership. Approximately 0.03% of residents rent their homes. The climate is very humid, with low annual precipitation and snowfall. Wind speeds are relatively low. Violet Hill is located in the Central time zone. The population density is low, and its road network is limited. However, it is worth checking out the school districts in this township.

The township of Violet Hill, Arkansas is comprised of a single ward, a small neighborhood, and a larger southeastern suburb of Oxford. The Violet Hill population is largely Republican. Its largest age group is 65 and older, while the smallest is under a hundred. The township's Population 2020 is 232. Approximately 60 percent of the population resides in families.

The population of the Violet Hill township is shown in the following chart. The data is sorted by marital status. You can use this information to make a comparison between areas. For example, figure 28 compares the number of single men and women in each township. You can also find the number of single women in each area. This information can be extremely useful for conducting internet research on the Violet Hill township.