Are you thinking about buying a house in Walnut Ridge City, Arkansas? You might be wondering how many people live in this city. Here is information about the area's population and steets. You can also see the most recent census data for Walnut Ridge City. Its population is around 2,137 people. Of this number, 51% live in renter-occupied households. The city's population is made up of two types of people: those who are employed, and those who are unemployed.
The population of Walnut Ridge, AR is made up of many different groups. The residents report being White, African American, and other races. About 8.9% of the adult civilian population is a veteran. That means that the local population is very diverse. This is good news for people who want to buy a house in Walnut Ridge. And remember that living in this city isn't as hard as you might think.
When the town moved to its current location, the postal service notified the local government that it was a conflicting name. Walnut Ridge, then, was renamed because of the abundant walnut trees. And since it wasn't formally incorporated, no major battles occurred in Walnut Ridge. But the area's rich history of the Beatles, especially the album Abbey Road, has a large impact on the community.