West Fork, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the population and steets of West Fork City, Arkansas, you're not alone. In fact, most people are curious about West Fork. The population is comprised mostly of young adults and those who are ready to start a family. The median age is 38, and there are about 3.3 families per household. The city also ranks below the state and national averages when it comes to diversity.

In terms of poverty rate, West Fork ranks well compared to other cities in the U.S. The average is between 10 to 13 percent. With only 2,581 residents, the city's poverty rate is lower than that of other cities. Because the city is so small, economic conditions are typically worse. However, the city has many positive aspects. The population is diverse and the city's schools rank well.

For those who are planning a road trip, a list of nearby towns will help them plan their route. The best route for getting to the nearest city or town is to enter the zip code or postal code of the area in which you wish to travel. To find other places nearby, try searching the name of a larger city that is within 82 miles of West Fork. You can also try searching for cities within 30 miles of West Fork.

The town has a small community atmosphere, and a low percentage of foreign-born residents. The city is well-known for its history, including the birthplace of Lefty York and Mildred Earp. For example, the city's population is comprised of people with at least a bachelor's degree. It also has a relatively low number of incarcerated residents, which makes it a great place to live.