Williford City, Arkansas, is a small, picturesque town situated in the Arkansas River valley. Its population is around 275. It grew significantly after the Civil War, as the town was the site of a railroad depot. The Kansas City, Fort Scott, Springfield, and Memphis Railroad Company began construction in 1870, and completed the line on July 4, 1883. The railroad station was built in 1883, and the town soon became the center of local commerce and shipping. The railroad line eventually became part of the Frisco Railroad, which is still in use today.
Williford's median household income is $22,083, which is lower than the national median of $65,712. The median year of construction is 1974, and the city has 61 housing units. Approximately 62.5% of Williford households are owner-occupied, while 37.2% are renters. The median home value is $55,000, and housing costs can reach $500 per month.
Williford's housing inventory includes a wide range of housing types. Homeowners can choose from a house, apartment, mobile home, or even a room. Those who rent have the highest share of cars, which are categorized as false cars. Health insurance is a common concern for Williford residents, and 98.2% of households in the city have health insurance. Twenty-eight percent are on employer-sponsored health insurance, while 29.7% have Medicare, Medicaid, or other government-sponsored health insurance plans. The remaining 19.3% of households have non-group health insurance plans, and 7.02% have military or VA plans.
Williford City's crime statistics are based on crime rates in nearby cities. The southwest part of the city has the lowest violent crime rate, while the northwest area has the highest. However, if crime is of concern, the northwest part of the city is a better choice. There are fewer violent crimes in the southwest part of the city, but a number of violent crimes are reported in the city.