Bell Gardens, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bell Gardens, California, is estimated to be 63,368 in 2020. Census data are tagged to the residential address. The city's economy depends largely on manufacturing, retail trade, and transportation and warehousing. In Bell Gardens, the most common racial and ethnic groups are Hispanic, White, and Other. Below are the median household incomes by racial or ethnic group in Bell Gardens.

The median age of the Bell Gardens, CA, population was 29.5 years old. This is considerably older than the state average, and 6963% higher than the national average. In 2019, there were 57 natural disasters in the Los Angeles County area, compared to 15 for the whole of the U.S., making Bell Gardens a city that has seen more than its share of severe weather events. Some of the more common natural disasters in the area include fires, hurricanes, and windstorms.

Bell Gardens is a largely Hispanic city located in Los Angeles, California. Its official postal code is "BELL GARDENS", and it borders Cudahy and Commerce on the west, South Gate and Vernon on the south. It has six elementary schools, one middle school, and two adult schools. The population of Bell Gardens is relatively young, with 95.8% Hispanic and 0.8% Asian. Its population includes 0.5% black non-Hispanic and American Indians.

Bell Gardens is a vibrant community with a lot to offer families and business interests. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city has a population of 68,910, with a median income of $24,476. The population is spread out amongst 40 to 100 acres of land. Its history of farming is also rich, with a number of Japanese families leasing land and growing rice. The city remained a farming community until the 1930s.