Berry Creek, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Berry Creek, California has a population of 1.28k people. Most people are US citizens, and there are approximately 70 people who were born outside the United States. The most common racial or ethnic groups in Berry Creek are White, Hispanic, and Native Americans. There are roughly 306 employed people in Berry Creek. The highest paying industry in Berry Creek is Construction, followed by Healthcare Support Occupations, and Sales & Related Occupations.

As of 2020, the median property value in Berry Creek, CA was $221,500. This is 0.964 times smaller than the national average. In the same year, the homeownership rate was 81.1%, a higher rate than the national average of 64.4%. In Berry Creek, CA, most people commuted alone to work, and the average commute time was 58.6 minutes. The average household had two cars.

The median age of residents of Berry Creek, CA was 54.5 in 2020. Among native-born residents, this age was 55. Meanwhile, foreign-born residents were 48 years old. The population of Berry Creek, CA is getting younger. Compared to the average age of 56 years old in the past, the average age of its residents was 54.5 years old in 2020. The most common foreign-born residents in Berry Creek, CA are from Mexico, the Philippines, and China.