The box canyon city's population was 17,141 in the census taken in 2020. The population density was 1,312.1 people per square mile, with a population ratio of 10.2% Hispanic and 14.8% white. There were 7,448 households in the city, with 22.6% of the population under the age of 18 and 24.5% of the population was over 65. The median age of the Box Canyon city population was 29 years old, with a population to female ratio of 100.9, meaning there were 96 males for every 100 females, 18 and older.
Brigham City is a city in southeastern Box Elder County, Utah, United States. It is located on the western slope of the Wellsville Mountains, a branch of the Wasatch Range. Brigham City is the western end of Box Elder Canyon. It is surrounded by marshlands on the Great Salt Lake and desert scrub. Interstates 15 and 84 pass the city to the west. U.S. 91 and 89 approach from the west and south.