Calistoga, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Calistoga City is composed of 3.25k White residents, 1.36k White (Hispanic), and 444 Other (Hispanic) residents. That makes up 35.9% of the population. If you are interested in knowing more about this area of the United States, you can browse the state's demographic and health statistics to learn more about the people who live here.

Calistoga City is located 10 miles north of the San Francisco Bay in Northern California. The climate in the area is most pleasant during the months of June, May, and October. The coldest month is January. Calistoga is home to several wineries. Those who live here enjoy a relaxed lifestyle. Calistoga is a popular summer destination for San Franciscans. In fact, it is one of the most beautiful cities in California.

The median household income in Calistoga, CA is $67,119. This is more than the $65,712 median income for women in the United States. This income inequality is higher than the national average of 0.499. The number of households living in Calistoga, CA is 2.68k, with the largest industries being Accommodation & Food Services (996 people) and Manufacturing (70313). Of those industries, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services is the highest paying in Calistoga.